Journal articles, book chapters, and policy and practice briefs toward food and nutrition security, gender equity and resource sustainability
My publications seek to nudge improvements in practice, policy, and funding towards food and nutrition security, social and gender equity, and resource sustainability. I have published in top-tier journals, and as book chapters, policy briefs, and best practice guides.
I have had the privilege to publish with an expansive network of experts spanning many disciplines and geographies. The research reflected in these collaborative publications has critically examined food security, human nutrition, gender and equity, inclusive governance, local and traditional knowledge, participatory action research and action research, environmental leadership, fisheries, and natural resource management.
Journal articles
Lawless, S., PJ Cohen, C McDougall, S Mangubhai, AM Song, TH Morrison (2022) Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change. Global Environmental Change 72. Link.
Simmance, F.A., Cohen, P.J., (joint first author) et al. (2022) Nudging fisheries and aquaculture research towards food systems. Fish and Fisheries 23. Link.
Short, R. E., et al. (2021). Harnessing the diversity of small-scale actors is key to the future of aquatic food systems. Nature Food 2(9), 733-741. Link.
de Bruyn et al, J., Wesana, J., Bunting, S.W., Thilsted, S.H., Cohen, P.J. (2021) Fish acquisition and consumption in the African Great Lakes Region through a food environment lens: A scoping review. Nutrients 13(7), 2408. Link.
Lau, J.D., Kleiber, D., Lawless, S. Cohen, P.J. (2021) Gender equality in climate policy and practice hindered by assumptions. Nature Climate Change. 11, 186–192. Link.
O'Meara, L., Cohen, P.J. et al. (2021) Inland fisheries critical for the diet quality of young children in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security 28 Link.
Lawless, S., Cohen, P.J et al. (2021) Gender equality is diluted in commitments made to small-scale fisheries. World Development 140, 105348. Link.
Tilley, A.T., Song, A., Menon, A., Cohen, P.J., Manuel, M. (2021) Emerging technologies in India’s small-scale fisheries; opportunities for inclusion, risks of exclusion 39(2).
Freed, S., … Cohen, P.J. (2020) Diverse approaches to integrated fish and rice production within food system transformations. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4.
Lawless, S., Song, A., Morrison, T., Cohen, P.J. (2020) Rights, equity and justice: A diagnostic for social meta-norm diffusion in environmental governance. Earth Systems Governance. 100052
Freed, S., Kura, Y., Sean, V., Mith, S., Cohen, P.J., et al. (2020) Rice field fisheries: wild aquatic species diversity, food provision services and contribution to inland fisheries. Fisheries Research. 229: 105615
Rahman, M. J., Wahab, M. A., Nahiduzzaman, M., Haque, A. B. M. M., & Cohen, P.J. (2020) Hilsa fishery management in Bangladesh. Earth and Environmental Science 414: 1
Hicks, C.C., Cohen, P.J., Allison, E.H., Graham, N.A.J., Nash, K.L., D’Lima, C., Mills, D., Roscher, M., Thilsted, S.H., Thorne-Lyman, A., MacNeil, M.A. (2019) Harnessing global fisheries to tackle micronutrient deficiencies. Nature 574: 95–98
Cohen, P.J., Allison, E.H., Andrew, N.L., Cinner, J.E., Evans, L.S., Fabinyi, M., Garces, L.R., Hall, S.J., Hicks, C.C., Hughes, T.P. (2019) Securing a just space for small-scale fisheries in the blue economy. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:171
Lawless, S., Cohen, P.J., et al. (2019) Gender norms and relations: implications for agency in rural livelihoods. Maritime Studies 18:3
Song, A., Hoang, V.T., Morrison, T., Cohen, P.J., Aqorau, T. (2019) “Blue boats”; as a new maritime security threat and emergent collaborative management responses in the Pacific. Asia Pacific Viewpoint
Tilley, A., et al. (2019) Evaluating the fit of co-management for small-scale fisheries governance in Timor-Leste. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:392
Morrison, T., Adger, N., Brown, K, Evans, L., Cohen, P.J. et al. (2019) Power as a driver of polycentric environmental governance. Global Environmental Change 57; 101934
Steenbergen, D., et al. (2019) Governance interactions in small‐scale fisheries market chains: Examples from the Asia-Pacific. Fish and Fisheries 20 (4); 697-714.
Song, A.M., Cohen, P.J., Hanich, Q., Morrison, T.H., Andrew, N. (2019) Multi-scale policy diffusion and translation in Pacific Island coastal fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management 168, 139-149
Cinner, J.E., Adger, W.N., Allison, E.H., Barnes, M.L., Brown, K., Cohen, P.J., Gelcich, S., Hicks, C.C., Hughes, T.P., Lau, J. (2018) Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities. Nature Climate Change 8:117
Evans, L.S., Cohen, P.J., Vave-Karamui, A., Masu, R., Boso, D., Mauli, S. (2018) Reconciling multiple societal objectives in cross-scale marine governance: Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative. Society & Natural Resources 31:121-135
Evans, L.S., Cohen, P.J., (joint first authors) Case, P., Hicks, C.C., Prideaux, M., Mills, D.J. (2017) The Landscape of Leadership in Environmental Governance: a Case Study from Solomon Islands. Human Ecology 45(3): 357-365
Joffre, O.M., Castine, S.A., Phillips, M.J., Senaratna Sellamuttu, S., Chandrabalan, D., Cohen, P.J., (2017) Increasing productivity and improving livelihoods in aquatic agricultural systems: a review of interventions. Food Security (9)1: 61-62
Mills, D., Tilley, A., Pereira, M., Hellebrandt, D., Fernandes, A., Cohen, P.J. (2017) Livelihood diversity and dynamism in Timor-Leste; insights for coastal resource governance and livelihood development. Marine Policy 82, 206-215
Apgar, J.M., Cohen, P.J., Ratner, B.D., de Silva, S., Buisson, M.-C., Longley, C., Bastakoti, R., Mapedza, E. (2017) Navigating opportunities for governance transformations using participatory action research in aquatic agricultural systems. Ecology and Society 22: 9
Webster, F., Cohen, P.J., Malimali, S., Makasini, M., Vidler, K., Mailau, S., Vaipuna, L., Fatongiatau, V. (2017) Detecting fisheries trends in a co-managed area in the Kingdom of Tonga. Fisheries Research 186: 168–176
Blythe, J., Cohen, P.J., Eriksson, H., Cinner, J., Boso, D., Schwarz, A., Andrew, N.L. (2017) Strengthening post-hoc analysis of community-based fisheries management through the social-ecological systems framework. Marine Policy 82: 50-58
Cohen, P.J., Lawless, S., Dyer, M., Morgan, M., Saeni, E., Teioli, H., Kantor, P. (2016) Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social-ecological systems; applying a gender lens. Ambio 45: S309-S321
Iniesta-Arandia, I., Ravera, F., Buechler, S., Díaz-Reviriego, I., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Reed, M.G., Thompson-Hall, M., Wilmer, H., Aregu, L., Cohen, P. and Djoudi, H., (2016). A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research. Ambio 45(3), pp.383-393
Case P, Evans L, Fabinyi M, Cohen P, Hicks C, Prideaux M., et al. (2015) Rethinking environmental leadership: the social construction of leaders and leadership in discourses of ecological crisis, development and conservation. Leadership 11 (4): 396-423
Cohen, P & Steenbergen, D (2015). Social dimensions of local fisheries co-management in the Coral Triangle. Environmental Conservation. 42: 278-288
Evans L, Hicks C, Cohen P, Case P, Prideaux M, & Mills D (2015) Understanding leadership in the sustainability sciences. Ecology and Society. 20(1) 50
Jupiter., S, P. Cohen, R. Weeks, A. Tawake, H. Govan (2014) Locally-managed marine areas: multiple objectives and diverse strategies. Pacific Conservation Biology 20(2): 165–179
Mills M, J. Álvarez-Romero, K. Vance-Borland, P. Cohen, R. Pressey, A. Guerrero, H. Ernstson (2014) Social network analysis for systematic conservation planning. Biological Conservation 169:6–13
Cohen, P., Cinner, J., & Foale, S. (2013). Fishing dynamics associated with periodically-harvested marine closures. Global Environmental Change 23(6): 1702-1713
Cohen, P., & T. Alexander (2013). Catch rates, composition and fish size from reefs managed with periodically-harvested closures. PLoSONE 8(9): e73383
Ratner, B. D., P. Cohen, B. Barman, K. Mam, J. Nagoli & E. Allison (2013). Governance of aquatic agricultural systems; analyzing representation, power & accountability. Ecology & Society 18(4): 59
Cohen, P. and S. Foale (2013) Sustaining small-scale fisheries with periodically harvested marine reserves. Marine Policy 37:278-287
Cohen, P., L. Evans, and M. Mills (2012) Social networks supporting governance of coastal ecosystems in Solomon Islands. Conservation Letters 5:376-386
Foale, S., D. Adhuri, P. Aliño, E. Allison, N. Andrew, P.Cohen, L. Evans, M. Fabinyi et al. (2012) Food security and the Coral Triangle Initiative. Marine Policy 38: 174–183
Foale, S., P. Cohen, S. Januchowski-Hartley, A. Wenger, M. Macintyre (2010). Tenure and taboos: origins and implications for fisheries in the Pacific. Fish and Fisheries 12: 357-369
Cohen, P. & Gardner, C., (2007). Regional Patterns in Puerulus Catches from eastern and western Tasmania. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(4): 592-596
Cohen, P. & Ritz, D.A., (2003). Role of kairomones in feeding interactions between seahorses and mysids. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK 83: 633-63
Book chapters & other articles
Lawless, S., Cohen, P.J., et al. (2020) Beyond gender-blind livelihoods: Considerations for coastal livelihood initiatives. SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 31
Kleiber, D., Cohen, P.J., Gomese, C., McDougall, C. (2019) Integrating gender in Pacific coastal fisheries research: The Pathways project. SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 28
Song, A.M., Cohen, P.J., Morrison, T.H. (2017) Policies in harmony? Does the New Song agree with the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines? Secretariat of the Pacific Community Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Bulletin 38
Schwarz, A.J., Cohen, P.J., Andrew, N.L., Boso, D., Ramofafia, C., Alexander, T. (2017) Resilience in Practice:Building a Participatory Diagnosis and Adaptive Management Programme for small-scale fisheries 38
Cohen, P. J., A. Song, and T. Morrison (2017). Policy coherence across scales of governance in Pacific small-scale fisheries.in S. Jentoft, N. Franz, M. Barragan Paladines, and R. Chuenpagdee, editors. Implementing the SSF Guidelines.
Blythe, J., Cohen, P.J., Abernethy, K., Evans, L., (2017) Navigating the Transformation to Community-Based Resource Management, in: Armitage, D., Charles, T., Berkes, F. (Eds.), Governing the Coastal Commons: Communities, Resilience and Transformation. Routledge Press/Earthscan.
Tavue, R.B., Neihapi, P., Cohen, P.J., Raubani, J. and Bertram, I., What influences the form that community-based fisheries management takes in Vanuatu? SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 37
Orirana, G., Siota, F., Cohen, P.J, Atitete, T., Schwarz, A.M. and Govan, H., Spreading community-based resource management: Testing the “lite-touch” approach in Solomon Islands. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 37: 3-12
Cohen, P., Evans, L., Govan, H., (2015) Community-based, co-management for governing small-scale fisheries of the Pacific: A Solomon Islands’ case study, in: Jentoft, S., Chuenpagdee, R. (Eds.), Interactive governance for small-scale fisheries; global reflections, pp. 39-59. Springer
Cohen, P, Jupiter, S. D., Weeks, R., Tawake, A., & Govan, H. (2014) Is community-based fisheries management realising multiple objectives? Examining evidence from the literature. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 34: 3-12
Cohen, P, Tapala, T., et al. (2014) Developing a common understanding of taxonomy for fisheries management in North Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 33: 3-12
Cohen, P. and S. Foale, (2011) Fishing Taboos: Securing Fisheries for the future? SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 28: 3-13
Policy Engagement & Practice Guides
Cohen PJ, Simmance F, Thilsted SH, Atkins M, Barman B, Bunting S, Byrd K, Chimatiro S, de Bruyn J et al. 2021. Advancing research and development outcomes with fish in regional food systems. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Brief: FISH-2021-18. Link.
Lawless, S., J Lau, C Ruano-Chamorro, E Corcora, PJ Cohen, C McDougall. 2021. Advancing Gender Equality for Equitable Livelihoods in Coral Reef Social-ecological Systems. CARE International. Link.
Johnson, A., DL Kleiber, C Gomese, M Sukulu, J Saeni-Oeta, A Giron-Nava, PJ Cohen, C McDougall (2021). Assessing inclusion in community-based natural resource management: A framework and methodology. WorldFish. Penang, Malaysia. Link.
McDougall C, Marwaha N, Atkins M, Cohen PJ, Patel A, et al. 2021. COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Policy Brief: FISH-2021-17. Link.
Phillips, MJ et al. 2021. CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems: A synthesis. WorldFish. Penang, Malaysia. Program Brief: FISH-2021-23. Link.
A Tilley, PJ Cohen et al. (2021) Increasing social and ecological resilience of coastal fisheries. CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Strategic Brief. WorldFish. Penang, Malaysia. Link.
Simmance FA, Kanyumba L, Cohen PJ, Njaya F, Nankwenya B, Gondwe E, Manyungwa C, Chimatiro S, Byrd K, O’Meara L et al. 2021. Sustaining and improving the contribution small-scale fisheries make to healthy and sustainable food systems in Malawi. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Brief: 2021-27. Link.
Atkins, M., McDougall, C., Cohen, P.J., (2021) COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights and recommendations for building forward better. WorldFish. Penang, Malaysia. Link.
Kakwasha, K., Simmance, F., Cohen, P. J., Muzungaire, L., Phiri, H., Mbewe, M., ... & Siamudaala, V. (2020). Strengthening small-scale fisheries for food and nutrition security, human well-being and environmental health in Zambia.
Kleiber, D.L., Cohen, P.J., McDougall, C., Gomese C. (2019) Integrating gender in Pacific coastal fisheries research: The pathways project. SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 29: 11-19
Kleiber, D., Cohen, P.J., et al. (2019). Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to “Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide” and other guides for CBRM, WorldFish, Malaysia.
Roscher, M., Eam, D., Suri, S., van der Ploeg, J., Hossain Md, E., Nagoli, J., Cohen, P.J., Mills, D.J., Cinner, J., (2018) Building adaptive capacity to climate change; approaches applied in five diverse fisheries settings. CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems, WorldFish, Malaysia.
Boso, D., Cohen, P.J., Gomese, C., et al. (2018) Gender analysis of the fisheries sector - Solomon Islands. Pacific Community, New Caledonia, p. 65
Lawless, S., Doyle, K., Cohen, P.J., et al. (2017) Considering gender: Practical guidance for development initiatives in Solomon Islands. Program Brief 22, WorldFish, Malaysia
Blythe, J., Bennett, G., Cohen, P., Moveni, M., Kwatelae, A., (2017) Five principles for network success in Solomon Islands, Program Brief: 2017-04. WorldFish, Malaysia
Sulu, R. Siota, F., Daokalia, C., Schwarz, A., Cohen, P. (2016) Interpreting ‘rights based fisheries management; for Solomon Islands. p.44. WorldFish, Solomon Islands.
Cohen P, Schwarz A, Boso D (2014) Lessons from implementing, adapting and sustaining community-based adaptive marine management. Lessons Learned Brief: 2014-21. WorldFish, Malaysia.
Schwarz, A., James, R., Teioli, H., & Cohen, P. (2014). Engaging men and women in community-based resource management processes in Solomon Islands. Case Study: AAS-2014-33, p.7. Penang: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Albert, J., Schwarz, A., & Cohen, P. (2013). Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide. Based on lessons from implementing CBRM with rural coastal communities in Solomon Islands (2005-2013) CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (Vol. AAS-2013-17, pp. 50). WorldFish, Malaysia
Govan, H., et al. (2009) Status and potential of locally-managed marine areas in the South Pacific: meeting nature conservation and sustainable livelihood targets through wide-spread implementation of LMMAs. LMMA, Suva.